Background :Having effective IVR(Interactive Voice Response) and Service Desk management is an very important element in any organization to serve the Customers. Client wants to build the IVR and Agent management system using the Open Sourced software called Asterisk.

Execution: The project has been broadly divided in to Three parts. Customizing the Asterisk has been done by the customer while DataSpeaks developed agent/customer management, Real time service desk dashboard.

This connects to multiple enterprise systems like connecting the Active Directory data for verifying the user based on user provided secret information, based on phone numbers and also providing the services like password reset etc. It connects ServiceNow for creating the ServiceNow tickets/Providing the ticket status. It also manages the temporary announcements for each queue. It connects to Amazon Polly for converting the various text results in to voice to play for customers. In addition it also records. DataSpeaks also developed intuitive real-time dashboard for managers.

Tools & Technologies :  FrontEnd application has been developed as SPA(Single page application) using Vue, Quasar. Backend application/services have been written using C#, MVC netcore 3.1, Linq, Entity Framework and used Postgres SQL as the database.